Meatloaf Cupcakes + 2007 Carménère

by | Jul 16, 2013 | Recipes & Pairings | 0 comments


Meatloaf Cupcakes

Yield: 12 servings

1 ½ lb. 85% fat free ground beef (beef round)
¾ c. uncooked oats, quick or old fashioned
¾ c. tomato juice
½ c. or 2 large eggs
½ c. minced yellow onion
¾ t. salt
½ t. black pepper
½ c. ketchup
1 ½ c. Basic American Foods Potato Pearls® EXCEL Original Recipe Mashed Potatoes
3 c. boiling water

Method (1) Combine beef and next 6 ingredients; mix well. Divide mixture between 12 medium muffin cups lined with foil liners (heaping 1/3 c. in each), pressing down and smoothing top of meat mixture. (2) Spread catsup evenly over meat mixture. Bake in convection oven at 325F for 20 minutes or standard oven at 350F for 30 minutes or until internal temperature of meat mixture reaches 160F. (3) Cover potato pearls with boiling water; mix well for 20 seconds to ensure even distribution. Let stand 5 minutes to thicken. Pipe hot potatoes over baked meatloaf cupcakes. * Optional topping: shredded cheddar cheese

Wine Pairing: Northwest Cellars “Horse Heaven Hills” 2007, Washington State  
A spicy, smoky “big red” made from one of the original Bordeaux grapes, this Carménère is a textbook quaff with the meatloaf cupcakes.

Copyright 2013 Talcott Communications. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.


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