Oakey – Dokey

OF WINE AND OAK The iconic oak barrel. And all its associations to the world of wine. How did it come to be so? Why is it used for wine? Was it always used? When did it come about? Who started it? As Mr.Peabody might have said, “Set the Wayback Machine to the ancient...

Let’s Talk Terroir

THE MYSTERY OF TERROIR Terroir. It’s kind of a mystery. And not well understood by most. And that’s because… magical harp music here, taking us far back into the Land of Discovery… Because…the word terroir has no exact English equivalent. And, like...

2020 Thoughts

2020. Can you believe it? Remember 2000? When the world as we knew it was going to end? Well, here it is 20 years later and, at least those of us reading this, are still here. A TIME FOR RESOLUTIONS And how many of us still make resolutions? I was never big on them...

Ice Wine Nice Wine!

Oh my. It’s December already, the year has flown by on super accelerated wings, the holiday season is here and no one asked if I was ready for any of this. Well, time waits for no woman. Least of all me. (Ask Bob.) So might as well enjoy it with…what?...

The Allure of Pinot Noir

Many moons ago, when I didn’t really know anything about wines, I was looking to bring a bottle for Thanksgiving dinner at our friend’s house. It was going to be a smoked turkey. What wine, I asked the local grocery store wine guy, can I bring to pair with...

What Grandpa Taught Me

  Why can’t I focus on wine today? Because it’s over 80° in the shade? Because I am exhausted from my two week vacation visiting my family in Chicago? Because one of my cats is mad at me? A GLASSFULL OF MEMORIES I have to confess, I’m still...